
Join the family and be a member of Indiana's premier flying club!

Who We Are

Pilots Club, Inc. is a non-profit corporation whose principal offices are located in Kokomo, Indiana. Our airplanes are based at Kokomo, Glenndale and Sheridan airports. The Club exists so that its members can enjoy the benefits of flying aircraft owned and/or operated by the club for the exclusive use by its members.

Check Out These Club Benefits

  • Pilot Supplies: As a member of the Pilots Club, you will receive a 10% discount on all of our pilot supplies, books and materials.
  • Loaner Equipment: We are more than happy to loan you the club’s headsets free of charge. We want every one of your flights to be as easy and enjoyable as possible.
  • Discounts on Instructor Rates: Membership entitles you to receive discounts on flight instruction from the Flight Training Centers at Kokomo, Glenndale and Sheridan airports.

New Member Signup Benefits

  • Block Time Advance Payment Discount: Each new regular member/student will be allowed to pay up to $10,000 in advance and receive an additional 10% credit. $1000 will become $1100 and $8000 will become $8800. This is a one time deal that the new member can exercise at anytime within the first 30 days of training.

Look What's Flying

Our Pilots Club offers you a variety of aircraft at a substantial savings. For specific airplanes, locations, and rates, see the links under "Aircraft Information" on the left.

Club Memberships

We offer two types of memberships to everyone; Regular and Associate. The Regular membership is designed to meet the needs of the active pilot by offering lower rates, access to various discount plans as well as discounts on instruction and pilot supplies. The Associate membership is designed for the less active pilot, or the pilot who owns his or her own airplane. The Associate member receives all of the same benefits as the Regular member but has to pay more per hour on aircraft and instructors.

A third membership type, Flying Squirrel, is designed for young people ages 14-18 who are members of the Flying Squirrels. This membership offers special discounts on certain aircraft beyond our Regular membership type.  To qualify, you have to be a member of The Flying Squirrels and participate in Flying Squirrels events.

Regular Membership

  • $40 per month. (minimum 6 months)
  • Discounts pilot supplies
  • Best discounts on flight instruction and aircraft (see Aircraft Overview for details)

Associate Membership

  • $40 per year
  • Discounts pilot supplies
  • Discounts on flight instruction and aircraft (see Aircraft Overview for details)

Squirrels Membership - (Available only to Flying Squirrels Members)

  • $10/month membership dues.
  • Discounts pilot supplies
  • Special discounts on certain aircraft.

Payment Options

Aircraft use can be paid for by depositing money in advance, or paying in person or online after each flight. Package deals, block rates, and other programs must be paid in advance. Cash, checks and major credit cards are accepted.

Club Aircraft

(CLICK HERE) for current Aircraft Rates, Locations and for ONLINE Aircraft/Instructor scheduling.